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Little Leaders School


Benefits of Skill Based Learning at Foundation Stage

Benefits Of Skill Based Learning At Foundation!!

“The interaction of Knowledge and Skills with Experience is the key to Learning”

The famous quote by John Dewey is the anchor of teaching pedagogies used in the foundation stages by educationists and the stakeholders of ECCE all across the globe.

The famous quote by John Dewey is the anchor of teaching pedagogies used in the foundation stages by educationists and the stakeholders of ECCE all across the globe.

The National Policy on Education 2020 has filled the 74-year-old gaping hole in Indian School Education by introducing formal learning in school from ages 3 to 8 years, the most critical period of brain development of the children. This will help bridge the gap between school and industries, subjects and skills!

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In the future era of information, the world needs skilled human resources! Competent & compassionate collaborators who can develop the communities in the fragmented world contribute to nation building by harnessing social opportunities. The foundation of such skills can be laid in the early years of the children who in future will be the stakeholders of the country's growth.

The present scenario has given the opportunity to the Primary & Pre- Schools to participate in developing the road map for the world leaders.

Skill Based Learning (SBL) where there is an integration of the subject with the practical implementations of the concepts is the most apt learning dimension. Skills like:

  • Time Management
  • Team Building
  • Adaptability
  • Risk Management
  • Resilience
  • Change Management

Which can be taught through the SBL while participating in different fundamental and day to day activities in the schools, a holistic development can be promoted by the cultural exchange programs, designed excursion plans, sports, multiple creative & agricultural activities, exploring market visits, etc.

These activities act as stimuli to the nervous system as well as the endocrine system of the toddlers helping the brain to develop multi fold due to millions of impulse generated. These impulses activate the parts of the brain and help the child develop cognitive, reasoning, logical and creative skills. It also improves the child’s speech and social and behavioral development.

When the Meta World is about to open its gateway for transformation, and the entire planet is looking forward to the transition of society 5.0.We all know that survival is dependent on the skill sets possessed by the people, it is important that all the stakeholders of ECCE, including the young parents and society as a whole, understand and accept the value and power of the early development of Human Brain!